A Split is a transaction that will distribute the values from a source account to N destination accounts, as informed by the user, in a given currency.
The source account must have, as long as its available balance type, a pending balance type to perform this transaction.
The user must inform the parameters:
The type of the transaction, as mapped in the Execution Rules
The currency of the transaction
The main amount of the transaction
The source account ID of the amount to be split
Type of validation to be performed on the balance of the source account (see table below)
The date for the transaction to be accounted in further reports. If this parameter is not informed, the system will consider the date when the transaction was created.
User value set for later conciliation
Balance Validation
Balances are validated using the reserved words:
The system will not allow balances to go below zero during transactions
The system will not allow balances to go above zero during transactions
The system will not validate balances during transactions
List of destinations
The user must enter a list of destinations (account IDs) and the desired values for each. The system will validate whether the sum of the destination values is equal to that entered in the main source value.
Creating a split
The POST /split method must be used to perform a split.
Example of split creation:
Response Example:
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