Account Updates

Adding currencies

The user can add currencies to an account using the POST /account/{id}/currency method. The balance types determined for that account will be created with a value of zero for the specified currencies as configured in the Account Rules. This operation cannot be undone.

Example of adding currencies to an account:

POST /account/19720852-be40-489a-a3b3-985f51a0458c/currency

  "currencies": [
      "currency": "usd"

Updating Billing Plan

The user can update the billing plan ID associated to an account using the PUT /account/{id}/billing_plan/{id} method.


PUT /account/19720852-be40-489a-a3b3-985f51a0458c/billing_plan/63675928-9e9d-4e20-8259-bdb3146f53dc

Last updated