Account Creation

To create accounts, you can use the POST /account method. The user needs to specify the account description, the list of currencies and its billing plan.

The description must be one on the Account Rules list created previously in the system setup. The system will create automatically the balance types configured for each currency asked. The system will deny the creation of accounts with descriptions set as unique = TRUE in the Account Rules.

Important: Accounts do not have a state, and once created, they cannot be removed from the system.

Example of creating an account:

POST /account

  "description": "digital_account", 
  "billing_plan_id": "fe38153f-36ed-42fb-a879-c46ea92b7ebc",
  "currencies": [
      "currency": "usd"

Response example:

  "id": "19720852-be40-489a-a3b3-985f51a0458c"

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