Account Query

For account retrieval, the GET /account method is used. The user can query accounts based on description, a specific ID, or a list of IDs.

Querying a specific account

The user can retrieve a specific account using the GET /account/{id} method.

Example of querying a specific account:

GET /account/19720852-be40-489a-a3b3-985f51a0458c

Response example:

  "id": "19720852-be40-489a-a3b3-985f51a0458c",
  "description": "digital_account",
  "billing_plan_id": "fe38153f-36ed-42fb-a879-c46ea92b7ebc"

Querying accounts using parameters

The user can provide parameters to query one or multiple accounts simultaneously using the GET /account method. The method will return a list of accounts.

Example of querying accounts using parameters:

GET /account?description=digital_account

Response example:

  "accounts": [

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